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Dad has travelled a lot, ?
Frank hasn't been on holiday, ?
He can't speak Italian, ?
He has worked a lot, ?
His aunt has breakfast, ?
I didn't hear that, ?
Shakespeare died in 1616, ?
The milkman comes every day, ?
The shops are open, ?
They go to Spain, ?
They haven't won a prize, ?
They wanted to visit him, ?
We knew that from his last album, ?
We said goodbye, ?
You haven't seen him, ?
You know this man, ?
Carrie sits at the window, ?
He didn't write to any children, ?
He hasn't gone out, ?
He is going there tomorrow, ?
Valery is singing again, ?
Marie Curie was born in 1867, ?
Our friend leaves at 1, ?
So far he has written 2 novels, ?
Let's go digital !